It’s been a fantastic week!
Since the launch of the new web site I have had plenty of congratulations, so I would like to thank you for all your supportive comments.
This week has been a busy week!
Photographing new ranges of furniture products in sets and shot singularly for cut-out for advertising brochures and web; with help from a strong man called Jake who helped carry all the very heavy furniture on set with me!
Event photography followed at RAF Cosford, where a fantastic range of images were captured of children interacting with planes and tanks with Lord Knight and University dignitaries. Event speakers and prizes presentations on stage were photographed too. A really enjoyable day to cover for the University.
I spent Friday photographing examples of various building interiors and exteriors covering schools, supermarkets and the local University; for an architectural company which was helped along with a wonderful days weather! In addition I covered their staff portraiture within a strong architectural environment of their design, topping off a fantastically creative day.
I loved the variety of photography this week!